FIELD Exec Ed Program 2019 – Photos – 2

Here are more images from the 2019 FIELD Executive Education program in Boulder.


Soley Van Lokeren, Director of HR at Zevia
Brian Lewandowski of CU discusses the macroeconomic impact of the food industry















Organic Bliss was back to provide scrumptious samples
Cammie Muller, CFO of Aurora Organic Dairy















Gary Cunningham, Chief People Officer of Traditional Medicinals, talked about hiring and retention
Professor Tracy Jennings















All the class sessions were heavy and serious
Mickey Citarella of Sterling-Rice Group















Steve Silverman and Ron Rexroth of The Fillo Factory
Professor Tom Nelson’s session on financial modeling and forecasting















Professor Gregg Macaluso and Deanna Bratter of Danone led a session on sustainable supply chain management
Seth Goldman of Honest Tea/Beyond Meat capped off Friday with a keynote talk















Never a shortage of delicious desserts