First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address 2 (Unit #)
Cell Phone
Your PERMANENT (Non-School) Email Address
Your University Name and MBA or Grad School Program
Month and Year of Expected Graduation
What are your functional areas of expertise from previous work experience (e.g. - marketing, sales, supply chain, finance, sustainability, entrepreneurship, etc.)? Just list them here - you can go into more detail in a later question.
If different from your past work experience, what are your areas of INTEREST for future positions?
Provide a brief history of your career highlights prior to graduate school including undergraduate school and degree, key jobs and positions held, your connection to food or ag or sustainability, and other information that would prove helpful in getting to know you.
If you are a second or third year grad student, do you already have a job lined up after graduation? If so, please describe. (Otherwise, enter N/A.)
If you are a first year grad student, do you already have a summer internship lined up? If so, what? If not, what companies have you been or will you be speaking with? (Otherwise, enter N/A.)
What other MBA or food conferences or career events have you attended outside of school, if any?
Whether you are currently looking for a summer internship or a fulltime job, what percentage of your effort would you estimate will be conducted independently, as opposed to going through you career office or on-campus recruiting - from a low of 0% independent to a high of 100% independent?
Why is attending MBArk and Expo West important to your career goals? What are the key things you hope to get out of the experience?
The MBArk program will begin at about 2pm on Thursday, March 14 and will continue through mid-afternoon on Saturday, March 16. If accepted, and taking into account your class schedule and travel needs, what is the likelihood that you can attend the ENTIRE program?
How did you find out about MBArk (please be specific - for example, through you school career office, school club e-mail, social media, word of mouth from past attendee, etc.)?
Do you know whether there is any funding available from your school (career office, dean's office, clubs, etc.) to help subsidize your travel and/or participation in MBArk, and if so approximately how much? This is for our informational purposes only and will not impact your application.
Please supply a link to an online profile, such as LinkedIn, or e-mail a copy of your resume to